Remeday | The Guide to Medicinal Mushrooms

The Best Time of Day to Take Lion's Mane: What Research Says

Written by Remeday | 29 Oct 2023

In the world of natural health and wellness, there are fungal treasures hidden in the most unexpected places. Among these treasures, the lion's mane mushroom stands as a remarkable and enigmatic figure.

With its cascading white tendrils resembling a lion's mane, this fungus has captivated both scientists and culinary enthusiasts alike. But it's not just its peculiar appearance that has sparked interest; it's the potential benefits it holds for our brains, bodies, and overall well-being.

Imagine a world where memory recall is sharper, concentration is unwavering, and cognitive decline is held at bay. Lion's mane mushrooms promise to be the key to this world. Y

et, like any good treasure, the timing of its consumption plays a crucial role in unlocking its full potential. In this journey through the realm of lion's mane mushrooms, we'll delve into the science behind their magic, explore the best times to partake, and even have a little fun with this fungi's culinary possibilities.

So, grab your curiosity and join us as we uncover the secrets of lion's mane and its optimal consumption timing for maximum benefit.

The best times to consume lion's mane can vary depending on your goals, whether you're seeking cognitive enhancement, improved sleep, or other specific benefits. In this section, we'll explore the optimal times to take lion's mane for different purposes.

The best time of day to take lion's mane mushrooms

The best time to take lion's mane is whenever works best for you! The timing of when you take lion's mane is less important than the consistency. The best advice? Take lion's mane when you take any other supplements. Or, take it alongside other daily routines. For example, you mind try to take lion's mane alongside your coffee. Or take it before you brush your teeth! 

Here at Remeday, it's our goal to make learning about mushrooms free and easy. The reality is: there is no conclusive research that suggests taking lion's mane mushrooms at a specific time has more or less benefit. 

In fact, timing may be less important than consistency. The more you take lion's mane over time, the more likely you are to benefit from it. 

So when is the best time to take lion's mane for you, specifically? The answer depends on your objectives:

Should I take lion's mane in the morning?

If your primary goal is cognitive enhancement, you might prefer to take lion's mane in the morning. This timing aligns with the natural circadian rhythms of alertness and focus, potentially providing a boost to your mental clarity and productivity throughout the day. Best of all? Lion's mane pairs perfectly with coffee or tea

Should I take lion's mane in the evening?

On the other hand, consuming lion's mane in the evening might be preferable if you're seeking better sleep quality. Lion's mane's potential to reduce inflammation and promote relaxation could make it a valuable addition to your evening routine, aiding in a restful night's sleep

But we really can't stress this enough - the timing isn't as important as consistency. 

Should I take lion's mane with or without food?

Another aspect to consider is whether to take lion's mane with or without food. Once again, research in this area is limited. Much of your lion's mane meal timing will come down to personal preference and tolerance. Here are some things to consider with lion's mane and food timing:

Taking lion's mane before food (pre-meal):

Some folks claim that eating lion's mane on an empty stomach can increase absorption, speed the effects, and reduce GI upset. 

  1. Enhanced Absorption: Consuming lion's mane on an empty stomach, typically 30 minutes to an hour before a meal, may allow for faster absorption of its bioactive compounds. This is because there are fewer food substances in the stomach that could potentially interfere with the absorption process.

  2. Quick Onset of Effects: Some individuals prefer taking lion's mane before a meal to experience its potential benefits more rapidly. This is especially true for those seeking cognitive enhancement or a quick mental boost.

  3. Reduced Risk of Gastrointestinal Distress: For some people, taking lion's mane on an empty stomach may reduce the likelihood of experiencing stomach discomfort or digestive issues. Since there is less food in the stomach, there are fewer substances that might interact with lion's mane and potentially cause discomfort.

Taking lion's mane after food (post-Meal)

Taking lion's mane after you eat may help to prevent stomach upset, enable sustained nutrient release, and help to improve (or hide) the taste of the supplement. 

  1. Reduced Risk of Stomach Upset: Lion's mane mushrooms are generally considered safe, but some individuals may experience mild gastrointestinal discomfort when taking supplements on an empty stomach. Consuming lion's mane after a meal can help mitigate this issue, as the food provides a protective buffer for the stomach lining.

  2. Sustained Release of Nutrients: Having lion's mane with a meal can result in a slower release of its bioactive compounds, potentially leading to a more sustained effect. This can be beneficial if you want the benefits of lion's mane to last throughout the day.

  3. Improved Taste: For those who find the taste of lion's mane supplements or extracts less than appealing, taking them with a meal can help mask the flavor.

As you can see, GI upset may or may not happen in either situation. Until more research is completed, timing with food can be influenced by a number of factors. 

Lion's mane timing tips

When it comes to taking lion's mane, the best time is really up to you. Until there is more research, you should take lion's mane whenever it fits into your schedule. Here are some considerations when it comes to taking lion's mane with food: 

  • Personal Preference: Your choice of whether to take lion's mane before or after a meal may come down to personal preference and how your body responds. Some people may find one approach more comfortable or effective than the other.

  • Bioavailability: Lion's mane supplements vary in terms of bioavailability, which can affect how they are absorbed. Some formulations may be designed for specific timing, so it's a good idea to follow the manufacturer's recommendations.

  • Dosage: The dosage of lion's mane can also influence timing. Smaller doses may be more suitable for taking on an empty stomach, while larger doses might be better tolerated with a meal.

  • Individual Response: It's essential to pay attention to how your body reacts to lion's mane when taken before or after meals. Some people may find that their response varies, and they may need to experiment to find the timing that works best for them. 

Long story short: see what works best for you!

How to maximize lion's mane benefits

For those looking to optimize their lion's mane regimen, consider cycling and stacking.

What does that mean, exactly?

We'll talk a little bit about both.

How to cycle your lion's mane timing

Cycling refers to a strategic approach to using lion's mane mushrooms, where you alternate between periods of consumption and periods of abstinence. The primary goal of cycling is to prevent your body from developing a tolerance to lion's mane and to maximize its effectiveness over the long term. Here's how it works:

  1. On-Period: During this phase, you regularly take lion's mane as part of your daily routine. A common cycle might involve four weeks on, but the specific duration can vary depending on personal preferences and individual responses.

  2. Off-Period: Following the on-period, you take a break from lion's mane. This break typically lasts two weeks, although this too can be adjusted to suit your needs. The off-period allows your body to reset and potentially regain sensitivity to lion's mane's effects.

What are the benefits of cycling lion's mane?

  • Tolerance Prevention: Cycling helps prevent your body from becoming tolerant to lion's mane's bioactive compounds, ensuring that it continues to be effective.

  • Cost-Efficiency: By taking breaks from lion's mane, you can make your supply last longer, potentially saving money in the long run.

  • Individualized Approach: Cycling allows you to tailor your lion's mane consumption to your specific needs and goals. You can adjust the duration of on and off-periods based on your preferences.

How to stack your lion's mane timing

Stacking involves combining lion's mane mushrooms with other supplements, herbs, or nootropics to enhance its effects or achieve specific outcomes. Stacking can be a strategic way to target different aspects of cognitive function or overall well-being.

Here are some examples of stacking lion's mane:

  1. Lion's Mane and Reishi: Combining lion's mane with reishi mushrooms can offer a comprehensive approach to brain and immune system support. Reishi is known for its immune-boosting properties, making it a complementary addition to lion's mane's cognitive benefits.

  2. Lion's Mane and Cordyceps: Cordyceps mushrooms are often used to support physical performance and stamina. Stacking lion's mane with cordyceps can provide a well-rounded solution for both mental and physical well-being.

  3. Lion's Mane and Ashwagandha: Lion's mane and ashwagandha, an adaptogenic herb, can be combined to address stress, anxiety, and cognitive function. This stack may help reduce stress-related cognitive decline.

  4. Custom Stacks: Depending on your specific goals, you can create custom stacks by combining lion's mane with other supplements or nootropics that align with your needs. Always consult with a healthcare professional before creating custom stacks to ensure safety and efficacy.

What are the benefits of stacking lion's mane?

  • Synergistic Effects: Stacking allows you to harness the synergistic potential of different supplements or compounds, potentially amplifying their individual benefits.

  • Targeted Outcomes: You can tailor your stack to address specific goals, whether that's cognitive enhancement, stress reduction, or physical performance.

  • Enhanced Flexibility: Stacking offers flexibility in adjusting your supplement regimen based on changing needs or objectives.

It's important to note that while cycling and stacking can offer potential benefits, individual responses may vary. It's advisable to consult with a healthcare professional or a knowledgeable practitioner before implementing these strategies to ensure they align with your health and wellness goals and are safe for your unique circumstances.

Here at Remeday, we're big fans of experimentation. Trying different times, food intake, and dosages may be necessary to determine the timing that works best for you.

If you're wondering about how much lion's mane to take, hop on over to our complete dosage guide.

Who should take lion's mane mushrooms?

Lion's mane mushrooms are like a versatile tool in your wellness toolbox, offering benefits that can cater to various stages of life and unique aspirations. In this section, we'll explore how lion's mane can be harnessed to support students striving for academic excellence, athletes pushing the limits of physical performance, and individuals on a quest to age gracefully.

Lion's mane for students

For students navigating the demanding terrain of academia, lion's mane mushrooms have emerged as a promising ally. The potential cognitive benefits, including improved memory, enhanced focus, and increased mental clarity, can be a game-changer when it comes to learning and retaining complex information.

Did you know you can take lion's mane for ADHD?

Timing Considerations: Taking lion's mane in the morning, before or alongside breakfast, can help boost cognitive function throughout the day. It aligns with the natural circadian rhythms of alertness and concentration, making it an optimal choice for students looking to excel in their studies.

Lion's mane for athletes

For athletes, lion's mane mushrooms offer a unique synergy of benefits. Beyond the cognitive enhancements, lion's mane has the potential to support physical performance and recovery. Its anti-inflammatory properties may help reduce exercise-induced inflammation, while its adaptogenic qualities can aid in maintaining stamina and endurance. In fact, many people enjoy using lion's mane as a pre-workout supplement.

Timing Considerations: Athletes can experiment with taking lion's mane both before and after workouts. Pre-workout consumption may help enhance focus and energy, while post-workout use can contribute to recovery and inflammation reduction.

Lion's mane for aging gracefully

As we age, preserving cognitive health becomes paramount. Lion's mane mushrooms have gained recognition for their potential to support brain health in later years. The neuroprotective qualities of lion's mane, combined with its ability to promote the growth and repair of neurons, make it a valuable ally in the quest for cognitive longevity.

Timing Considerations: For those looking to age gracefully and maintain cognitive health, taking lion's mane with a meal, especially in the morning, can be a strategic choice. This timing aligns with daily routines and may contribute to cognitive well-being throughout the day.

Whether you're a student striving for academic excellence, an athlete pushing your physical limits, or an individual looking to age gracefully with cognitive vitality, lion's mane mushrooms offer a unique opportunity to enhance your journey. The key is to tailor your lion's mane regimen to your specific goals and timing preferences.

Lion's mane mushrooms 101

Imagine taking a leisurely stroll through a dense, ancient forest, where towering trees seem to touch the sky, and sunlight filters through the leaves in dappled patterns. In this enchanting setting, you stumble upon a remarkable find: the lion's mane mushroom. With its distinctive appearance, resembling the cascading mane of a lion, it's a fungus that captures your imagination.

What are lion's mane mushrooms?

Lion's mane mushrooms, scientifically known as Hericium erinaceus, are a species of fungi that have a rich history rooted in traditional Chinese medicine. They have long been revered for their potential medicinal properties and are often referred to as the "smart mushroom" or the "pom-pom mushroom" due to their unique appearance.

Its fruiting body consists of cascading, tooth-like spines that form a dense, fluffy mass, resembling a lion's majestic mane. While their looks might pique your curiosity, it's the bioactive compounds within these mushrooms that truly make them extraordinary.

What makes lion's mane mushrooms so powerful?

Lion's mane mushrooms are rich in bioactive compounds, with two classes of molecules taking the spotlight: hericenones and erinacines. These compounds are believed to be responsible for many of the mushroom's potential health benefits.

What are the benefits of hericenones?

  • Nerve Growth Factor (NGF) Production: Hericenones have been shown to stimulate the production of Nerve Growth Factor (NGF), a protein essential for the growth, maintenance, and repair of nerve cells. This is a crucial factor in the potential neuroprotective and regenerative effects of lion's mane mushrooms. This phenomenon is a scientific breakthrough, as it suggests that lion's mane has the power to enhance the brain's capacity for growth and repair. By promoting the production of NGF, lion's mane potentially aids in neuroplasticity—the brain's ability to rewire and adapt.
  • Cognitive Enhancement: Research suggests that hericenones may support cognitive function by promoting the growth and repair of neurons, potentially improving memory, learning, and overall brain health.

What are the benefits of erinacines:

  • Blood-Brain Barrier Penetration: Erinacines are believed to have the unique ability to penetrate the blood-brain barrier, a protective barrier that regulates the entry of substances into the brain. This property is significant because it allows erinacines to directly interact with brain cells.
  • Neuroprotection: Erinacines have been associated with neuroprotective effects, including the ability to reduce oxidative stress, inflammation, and the risk of neurodegenerative diseases. They may help safeguard brain cells from damage. By reducing oxidative stress and inflammation in the brain, erinacines may help shield nerve cells from damage, potentially lowering the risk of neurodegenerative conditions like Alzheimer's and Parkinson's diseases.
  • Nerve Regeneration: Some studies suggest that erinacines can stimulate the regeneration of damaged nerve cells, potentially benefiting individuals with conditions that involve nerve damage, such as peripheral neuropathy.

Historically, lion's mane mushrooms have been utilized in traditional Chinese medicine for their alleged abilities to support digestive health, boost the immune system, and promote overall vitality.

However, it's their recent emergence in the realm of brain health and cognitive enhancement that has brought them into the limelight.

Where to find lion's mane mushrooms

Before we dive deeper into the science and potential benefits of lion's mane mushrooms, let's share a fun fact: In the wild, these mushrooms can often be found growing on hardwood trees, adding to their mystique. Their ability to thrive in the forest's lush, green embrace speaks to their resilience and adaptability. 

But you're also likely to find lion's mane at your local specialty supermarket, farmer's market, or at a local mushroom farm

How to safely take lion's mane supplements

As with any dietary supplement or natural remedy, responsible use of lion's mane mushrooms is essential to ensure you reap the benefits while minimizing potential risks. In this section, we'll explore safety considerations, dosage guidelines, and the importance of consulting with a healthcare professional.

Starting slow and finding your ideal dosage

Determining the right dosage of lion's mane can be a personal journey, as individual responses may vary. Here are some general dosage guidelines to consider:

  • Powder or Extract: Lion's mane supplements come in various forms, including capsules, powders, and extracts. Dosages can vary depending on the form. A common starting dose for lion's mane extract is around 500 milligrams to 1 gram per day.

  • Gradual Increase: It's often recommended to start with a low dose and gradually increase it. This approach allows you to gauge how your body responds and helps identify your optimal dosage.

  • Consult Product Labels: Always follow the dosage recommendations provided on the product label. Manufacturers typically provide instructions based on their specific formulation.

  • Individual Factors: Dosage may vary based on factors such as age, weight, and the specific health goals you aim to achieve with lion's mane. It's advisable to consult with a healthcare professional to determine an appropriate dosage for your needs.

Important lion's mane safety considerations

Lion's mane mushrooms are generally considered safe for most people when used responsibly. However, here are some safety considerations to keep in mind:

  • Allergies: Some individuals may be allergic to mushrooms. If you have a known mushroom allergy, it's important to avoid lion's mane and any related products.

  • Side Effects: While rare, some people may experience mild side effects such as digestive discomfort, including stomach upset or diarrhea. Starting with a low dose and gradually increasing it can help mitigate these effects.

  • Interactions: Lion's mane may interact with certain medications or health conditions. If you are taking medication or have any medical concerns, consult with a healthcare professional before incorporating lion's mane into your routine.

  • Quality and Source: Ensure that you obtain lion's mane supplements from reputable sources to guarantee product quality and purity.

  • Pregnancy and Breastfeeding: Pregnant or breastfeeding individuals should exercise caution and consult with a healthcare provider before using lion's mane.

Consult with a healthcare professional

Before embarking on a lion's mane regimen, it's advisable to consult with a healthcare professional, especially if you have pre-existing health conditions, are taking medication, or have concerns about potential interactions.

Incorporating lion's mane into your wellness routine can be a rewarding experience, but responsible usage is crucial.

By starting with a low dose, monitoring your body's response, and seeking guidance from a healthcare expert, you can navigate the lion's mane journey safely and confidently.

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